For more details on corporate Mentor, visit the following website URL:
I work for a company called Mentor Graphics Corporation, (Mentor). Mentor is a software company that creates software for the EDA, (Electronic Design Automation), industry. Our customers are typically companies that need high end or the most complex EDA software to design their products. Some of our customers are cell phone manufacturers, (always pushing the envelope in size and complexity in a very competitive market), military, government and aerospace, (very high end and expensive designs). The company started out in the early 1980's as a computer based schematic capture and digital timing simulation tool. Engineers could design their digital electronics on the computer then test the functionality of the logic all on a computer, state of the art. A few years later, Mentor acquired a company that had a computer based software to take the schematic and create the physical printed circuit board for the design, this created a software that could design, simulate and create the physical printed circuit board. Mentor has grown a lot since the early 80's and so has the entire EDA industry. For more about EDA, and our software in particular, click here. OK, So Where Do I Fit In? My job title is a Senior Applications Engineer-Consultant for Mentor. Although my companies home office is located in Wilsonville, Or, (suburb of Portland), I work out of a sales office in El Segundo, CA. El Segundo is adjacent to LAX, in the Los Angeles Area, only a few minutes from the beach! I also worked many years in our consulting division. I do very little travel with my current position, typically only Southern California but with my former position in consulting, I traveled all over the world. My technical expertise is in the "board space". "Board space" is an industry term for Printed Circuit Boards or PCB. Mentor supplies solutions in many areas of electronic design including chip and software design, click here for more details on the different software solutions that Mentor provides. PCB includes software for an engineer to create his/her schematic electronically, verify that the design will function, (through timing analysis and simulations but without building any prototype as was typical ten years ago), then design the physical printed circuit board. The output is a set of electronic files that control fully automated production of the bare PCB then direct the robotic production machines to build the production circuit board. Due to the complexity of the software and the designs that our customers are developing, it requires our expertise to create optimized solutions for customers to get the most out of their software investment and to ultimately, perform the design process better and faster, getting their products on the market much faster and with very high production yields. The typical consulting engagement lasts several weeks to months and even years and can involve global customers. The biggest project I have ever worked on was a Motorola project. I traveled all over the world, filling up my first passport, (and had to get more pages sewn in). I have been to places such as Brazil, Europe, (Germany, Holland, Denmark), Southeast Asia, (Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore), China, Japan and Korea. I have traveled all over the USA and Canada working on consulting engagements. For a few years, I was flying 80,000 to 120,000 miles annually. I literally was living in a hotel. My travel has slowed significantly but I still do some traveling. Below is a list of the customers that I have work with: Shure Brothers-Chicago, IL TRW Space Park (Now Northrop-Grumman Space Technology)-Redondo Beach, CA Rockwell International (Now The Boeing Company)-Anaheim, CA Motorola-(World Wide) Los Alamos National Labs-New Mexico Qualcomm-San Diego Kyocera-San Diego Allied Signal-Sylmar, CA Seagate-Semi Valley, CA Equitel (Seimens)-Curitiba, PR, Brazil CEFET (Engineering School that Supported Equitel)-Curitiba, PR, Brazil Telebras (The Bell Labs of Brazil)-Campinas, SP, Brazil, (near Sao Paulo) Phillips-Holland Lucent-New Jersey and Milpitas, CA HP-Santa Rosa, CA Honeywell-Seattle Boeing-Nationwide Panasonic-Lake Forrest, CA General Dynamics Corporation-MA and AZ sites In March 2005, we moved from our office of over ten years to a new location about six blocks away, both the former office and the new office are both in El Segundo, CA. The new office is located at 999 North Sepulveda Blvd, immediately across the street from the south boundary of LAX. We are literally 3/8 mile from runway 25L and can see runway 25L and 25R in it's entirety. We can view the entire south airport complex.
And, the old office:
Mentor Graphics-Company Profile-Last Update May 2009
Below is a view of the Corporate Headquarters in Wilsonville, OR. Wilsonville is a part of the Metropolitan Portland area.
A Global Company-Operates through 28 engineering sites and 52 sales offices
around the world.
What is EDA? EDA is software that automates the design of electronics, our typical user is an electrical engineer or other designers that are involved in the design of electronics. We are like a CAD, (Computer Aided Design), for electrical engineers, but much more complex tool sets than a mechanical CAD tool. Mentor Events Sales Kickoff 2009-San Antonio, TX